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About US

Chemico Group is the leading distributor of high-quality and reliable raw materials from all over the world to satisfy the need of target groups having business in personal care, household, candle, food, nutraceutical, instrument and cosmetic packaging.

Having been successful in Thailand, CMC has expanded its business to the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia respectively to satisfy all needs of customers and services in South-East Asia. 

CMC provides customers in terms of product - related technological information, product testing, product formulation since we own the Application Laboratory Department, modern equipments, fundamental and specific training including seminars. Such trainings and seminars are organized by our experienced suppliers and application lab staffs.

Additionally, CMC has over 150 employees. Among these, more than 50 of which have profound knowledge and skills in science. Our sales persons have experiences and excellent interpersonal skills and are ready to provide the best services to our customers on time. We also have facilities like spacious warehouses with sanitized repack rooms etc. Therefore, CMC strongly believes that we can be the "Chemico Asia Health and Beauty Center" and leading distributor for the products related to personal care, household, candle, food, nutraceutical, instrument and cosmetic packaging in South East Asia.

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