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Interesting information regarding hair care products in 2016

Interesting information regarding hair care products in 2016

1. 61% of new products in the market contained plant-based ingredients as their main component. Popular plant-based ingredients included shea butter, aloe vera, plant oils such as olive, almond, hemp and carrot seed oils.

2. 34% of women looked for hair care products made from natural ingredients. In 2016, more than 33% of women switched to organic products.

3. Countries that are expected to experience higher-than-average growth in hair care products during 2016-2017 are Brazil, Chile and South Korea.

4. 52% of US consumers prefer dry shampoo while traveling.

5. 58% of men favor 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 products for convenience.

6. 22% of men want hair care products made especially for men.

7. Top product benefits that hair care producers like to use as their selling points

include botanical/herbal, hydrating, vitamin & mineral fortified, and paraben-free.

8. Consumers are looking for multi-functional hair care products, for example, shampoos and conditioners that moisturize hair in the winter and offer UV protection

in the summer.

9. Consumers in Europe, Asia Pacific, North America and Latin America not

only want products that nourish their hair, but also their scalp.

10. The men’s hair care market is expanding rapidly, with the market value

forecasted to reach 94 million pound sterling by 2020.

According to Google Trends, 2015 was the first year that saw more interest in men’s hair care products than women’s. Growth in the hair care market will attract new producers to compete for market share, particularly in developing countries where consumers give importance to hair styling, gray hair cover-up and scalp nourishment.

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