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Vitamins and minerals that will help deter premature graying of hair

In order for the body to produce enough tyrosinase, which initiates melanin production, sufficient amounts of the following vitamins and minerals must be taken:

1. Copper can be found abundantly in yard long beans, green beans, peas, sunflower seeds, raisins, persimmons, dried bananas, carrots, radishes, taros,

potatoes and all fruit.

2. Iodine is plentiful in seafood and foods cooked with iodized salt.

3. Iron is abundant in sh, raisin, green leafy vegetables such as Chinese broccoli,

East Indian spinach, bok choy, morning glory, and local vegetables such as pea eggplant, wildbetal Leaf bush, spiny amaranth and Paco Fern.

4. Folic acid can be found abundantly in various beans, such as green beans, soybeans, red beans, black beans, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, such as Chinese broccoli, East Indian spinach, morning glory, bok choy, carrot, pumpkin, egg yolk and liver.

5. Pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5 is plentiful in brown rice, oats, corns and apples.

6. Biotin is part of the vitamin B complex family and can be found abundantly in soybeans and cereal (taking antibiotics continuously for long periods will reduce the production of biotin in the intestine).

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