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How do changes in the level of estrogen affect women?

Estrogen deficiency can be categorized into three groups. First group: Short-term symptoms or those that occur right after menopause. Symptoms include hot flashes, insomnia, weariness, fatigue, racing heart, easily irritable, mood swings, depression, feel neglected, loss in concentration and memory, as well as joint aches and pain. Second group: Symptoms that occur sometime after menopause. Symptoms arise from atrophy of the urinary and reproductive systems which causes vaginal dryness and burning while performing sex, and weakening of pelvic muscles responsible for bladder control, resulting in urinary incontinence especially when coughing or sneezing. Other symptoms include dry skin, brittle nails, graying hair and hair loss, among others. Last group: Symptoms that occur in the long run which include osteoporosis, heart disease and Alzheimer. Silent threats that menopausal women may encounter in the long-term are osteoporosis (loss of bone mass and strength causing "porous bones” which increases the risk of fractures even from a small fall), cardiovascular disease and stroke or cerebrovascular disease.

How to get through menopause positively

1. Eat healthy food, especially those low in fat, high in calcium to prevent osteoporosis, and high in fiber to alleviate digestive system problems which could heighten during menopause.

2. Exercising regularly helps prevent osteoporosis, strengthens the heart and prevents ischemic heart disease. Nevertheless, those with severe osteoporosis should avoid high impact exercises, violent sports or activities and be careful of brunt contacts.

3. Regular medical check-ups, at least once a year.

4. Get sufficient rest and sleep and maintain emotional health by thinking positively, which is the cornerstone to good health, both physical and mental. For those who perceive that menopause is something distant, they will need to change their way of thinking and understanding, because no woman can avoid this change. Preparing oneself to enter into menopause in an elegant and healthy way is thus important. Taking good care of yourself is vital and inevitable. The menopausal clinic or golden age clinic, will help menopausal women resolve their problems and live life happily and valuably as gold in their golden age.

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