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Chemico group has been expanding its business both locally and internationally. Apart from building new of ces and warehouses, Chemico group has also given importance in its cosmetics and food laboratories, increasing investments in these areas continuously. Chemico group started with the CAHB Center I in Thailand, a prototype for a comprehensive health and beauty laboratory hub. Chemico group’s primary mission is to set up laboratories in every country it has an of ce in, with every laboratory having the same format and standards. These laboratories will aim to provide services for cosmetics, food, dietary supplement, and household products.

The CAHB Center has three main facilities, namely Academy, Laboratory and Health and Beauty Center.

1. Academy: Training course are tailored in collaboration with universities to t speci c need of people who want to get involved in cosmetics and food industries. There are technical training program, application training program, and marketing training program.

2. Laboratory is divided into three elds:2.1 Cosmetics Laboratory provides technical support in research and

development formulation, new innovation updates, regulatory issues, as well as UV protection factor analysis. Other facilities include Sun Protection Analyzer (Labsphere UV-2000S), Incubator (500 C), Freeze/Thaw cycles (-5-500 C), Silverson Homogenizer, pH meter and Powder Pressing Machine, among other things.

2.2 Food Laboratory provides technical services such as research and development formulation, technical assistance, and prototype formulations for beverages, confectionaries, bakery and dietary supplements. Other facilities include Capsule Filling Machine, Deep Fryer and Hand Refractometer, etc.

2.3 Microbiological Laboratory provides technical services in Total Plate Count, Preservative Ef cacy Test and Speci c Microbial Determination. Other facilities include the Vortex Mixer, Ultrasonic Bath, Biohazard Class 2 (Laminar Flow), Incubator (25o C and 35o C) and Autoclave.

3. Health and Beauty Center consists of three centers:

3.1 Body Care Center provides anti-oxidant and free radical analysis by user-friendly instruments.

3.2 Facial Care Center has many skin analyzer instruments, for example Trans Epidermal Water Loss, Skin Moisture and Image Analysis, etc. The center also has a makeup training zone.

3.3. Hair Care Center: Hair care product ef cacy tests are done in the beauty salon using Texture Analyser.

Every Health and Beauty Center located in every country will be based on the principles of operational convenience, safety and minimal environment impact. Every center will be equipped with state of the art tools and equipments, standard control and appropriate performance testing to give the highest assurance to customers. Apart from its analysis instruments, the laboratory also gives importance to its personnel, every scientist must be competent and well-trained.

Today, in addition to the Health and Beauty Center at CAHB I in Thailand, the company also has cosmetics and food laboratories in Vietnam, the Philippines and Jakarta Indonesia. Going forward, the company has plans to establish more laboratories in Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Surabaya Indonesia and India.

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