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Foods that will deter premature graying of hair

Essential foods that will help inhibit premature graying of hair include:

1. Seaweed can be used in many sorts of food, such as in sushi, soups or it can be eaten as a snack when baked until crisped. Apart from preventing premature graying of hair, seaweed can also help promote thick black hair as it is rich in iron and iodine.

2. Sesame seeds - sprinkling sesame seeds onto your food every meal can help prohibit premature gray hair. This is because sesame seeds are rich in natural oils, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E and minerals.

3. Herbal beverage - blend together 1⁄2 cup each of roughly chopped carrots and radishes together with 1 cup of ice cold water. Strain out the pulp. Season the juice with 1 tablespoon of lemon and 1⁄4 teaspoon of salt. Drink immediately.Essential foods that will help inhibit premature graying of hair include: 1. Seaweed can be used in many sorts of food, such as in sushi, soups or it can be eaten as a snack when baked until crisped. Apart from preventing premature graying of hair, seaweed can also help promote thick black hair as it is rich in iron and iodine. 2. Sesame seeds - sprinkling sesame seeds onto your food every meal can help prohibit premature gray hair. This is because sesame seeds are rich in natural oils, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E and minerals. 3. Herbal beverage - blend together 1⁄2 cup each of roughly chopped carrots and radishes together with 1 cup of ice cold water. Strain out the pulp. Season the juice with 1 tablespoon of lemon and 1⁄4 teaspoon of salt. Drink immediately.

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