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Facial Analysis System CLREO-I

CLREO-I is Facial Analysis System which using 13 million pixel digital photography which provides 3 different light sources (Normal, Polarized and UV light) for precise diagnosis. . CLREO-I is also provide a moisture checker which can check your skin hydration and designed for recording before and after of customer’s data. Product from YKC Tech, South Korea. CLREO-I is suitable to all skincare product’s trader, spa, cosmetic’s manufacturer, duty free and etc. CLREO-I can be used for giving a suggestion about customer's skin condition and problems and also a suitable skincare to each customer skin condition. CLREO-I can be used for 1) Moisture/ Elasticity 2) Pore 3) Wrinkle 4) Skin tone 5) Pigmentation 6) Capillaries 7) Melanin 8) Porphyrin 9) Sebum

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