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Spincontrol Asia

Spincontrol Asia is a clinical testing facility specialized in the in vivo efficacy and tolerance of cosmetic products. It is a joint-venture of a French company renowned in cosmetic clinical testing called Spincontrol and it has been established in Thailand since 2003. The objective of Spincontrol Asia is to test cosmetic products in Asian subjects, with the possibility to choose from a wide range of consumer types from our database containing over 20 000 volunteers. Our studies are mostly performed using Spincontrol France procedures, adapted quality management system and recognized guidelines. New protocols and methods can be developed in partnership with Spincontrol group to meet our client’s requirements.

Currently, Spincontrol Asia’s facilities are spread over 900 square meters, including;

- 7 technical rooms into which a wide range of techniques can be performed;

- 2 photographic rooms equipped with the photographic system Visio Face from Spincontrol France and

one VISIA CR system which helps us take high quality photographs in reproducible conditions

- 3 consumer test rooms; especially designed for self-assessment by our volunteers

Our large laboratory space, skilled technical staff as well as our variety of volunteers enables us to be flexible and reactive in the scheduling of clinical studies, even those combining several techniques.

The in vivo testing methods of cosmetic products that we can propose can support the following claims;

1. Moisturizing effect

2. Lightening and anti-dark spot effect

3. Improvement of skin radiance

4. Anti-aging effect

5. Anti-dark circle effect

6. Anti-acne effect and non-comedogenicity

7. Whitening deodorant evaluation

8. Whitening toothpaste evaluation

9. Make-up product evaluation such as long lasting effect for lipsticks or many properties of mascara products

10. Hair care product evaluation such as anti-hair loss

11. Skin irritation potential and skin compatibility evaluation by a dermatologist

12. Ocular acceptability evaluation by an ophthalmologist

There are numerous evaluation methods available in each of our laboratories located in France, Thailand, Canada, India and Indonesia. We encourage our customers to contact us and based on their brief we can better direct them towards a suitable laboratory within Spincontrol Group and we can better suggest suitable methods to support their claims.

In order to maintain our leadership in laboratory offering testing services in Thailand and because Quality is our primary concern, Spincontrol Asia has been certified ISO 9001:2008.

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